Hazara Genocide Archive

Chaman Ali

Detailed information

Full Name: Chaman Ali
Father's Name: Muhammad Ibrahim
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Marital Status: Married
Ethnicity: Hazara
Occupation: Labour
Was living in: Kundelan, Urozgan province of Afghanistan
Killed on: July 30, 2012
Killed in: Hostage and beheaded
Perpetrators: Taliban
Buried in: Hometown
Country: Afghanistan
Contact facilities (phone, e-mail, residence): Yes
Interview: Yes
Consent letter: Yes

Chaman Ali, victim of

Kundelan Urozgan

Two Hazara workers traveling from the village of Kandalan to the center of Uruzgan were arrested by the Taliban. They were held captive and brutally tortured for one night. The following day, their decapitated bodies were discovered in the small Uruzgan area.

این دو کارگر هزاره از دهکده ای بنام کندلان به طرف مرکز ارزگان می روند که توسط طالبان دستگیر می شوند. آنها یک شب اسیر طالبان می مانند که بگونه وحشیانه ای شکنجه می شوند. روز بعد اجساد آنها با سر بریده در منطقه ارزگان کوچک پی دا می شوند.