Hazara Genocide Archive

Mohammad Hadi

Detailed information

Full Name: Mohammad Hadi
Father's Name: Hussain Dad
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Marital Status: Single
Ethnicity: Hazara
Occupation: Master in International relation from China and lecturer in Chinese language
Was living in: Barchi, West Kabul, Afghanistan
Killed on: March 7, 2019
Killed in: Gunfire, Mortar firing
Perpetrators: ISIS
Buried in: Hazara graveyard west Kabul
Country: Afghanistan
Contact facilities (phone, e-mail, residence):
Consent letter:

Mohammad Hadi, victim of

Abdul Ali Mazari’s Memorial Ceremony 2019

At least six people were killed and 37 others wounded when Islamic State suicide bombers attacked the crowd gathered for Abdul Ali Mazari's 24th martyrdom ceremony at Baba Mazari's Musalla in western Kabul.

در حمله انتحارگران داعش بر جمعیتی که برای تجلیل از بیست و چهارمین مراسم شهادت عبدالعلی مزاری در مصلی بابه مزاری در غرب کابل گرد هم آمده بودند، دست کم شش نفر کشته و سی و هفت نفر دیگر زخمی شدند.