Hazara Genocide Archive

Qurban Ali Fayaz

Detailed information

Full Name: Qurban Ali Fayaz
Father's Name: Qanbar Ali
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Marital Status: Married
Ethnicity: Hazara
Occupation: Farmer
Was living in: Mazar-e-Sharif, Balkh province, Afghanistan
Killed on: August 10, 1998
Killed in: Gunmen fired
Perpetrators: Taliban
Buried in: Hometown
Contact facilities (phone, e-mail, residence):
Consent letter:

Qurban Ali Fayaz, victim of

Mazari Sharif 1998

Location: Mazari Sharif 1998, Balkh province, Afghanistan Killed victims: 6000+ Injured victims: Type of Attack: Armed attack and human butchery Perpetrators: Taliban

Hazara fighters who lost their lives against Taliban and Al-Qaida in Mazari Sharif August 1998