Hazara Genocide Archive

Yazdan Ali Ehsani

Detailed information

Full Name: Yazdan Ali Ehsani
Father's Name: Qambar Ali
Gender: Male
Age: 51
Marital Status: Married
Ethnicity: Hazara
Occupation: Taxi driver
Was living in: From Jaghuri, but was living in Quetta
Killed on: September 9, 2017
Killed in: Gunfire
Perpetrators: Taliban
Buried in: Hometown
Contact facilities (phone, e-mail, residence):
Consent letter:

Yazdan Ali Ehsani, victim of

Kuchlak - September 9, 2017

Date: 09-09-2017 Location: Kuchlak, Quetta Pakistan Killed victims: 3 passengers Injured victims: Type of Attack: Gunmen firing Perpetrators: Taliban

Yazdan Ehsani was a taxi driver between Quetta and Chaman (border town between Pakistan and Afghanistan). On September 9, 2017, as he and two other Hazara passengers (Mehdi Nourozi and Irfan Nourozi) arrive in Kuchlak, a small town near Quetta, two armed men open fire on their car, killing all three on the spot. The Taliban later claimed responsibility for the attack.
یزدان احسانی راننده تکسی بین کویته و چمن (شهر مرزی پاکستان و افغانستان) بود. روز ۹ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۷ میلادی، هنگامی که او با دو مسافر هزاره (مهدی نوروزی و عرفان نوروزی) وارد شهرک کچلاک، شهری کوچک در نزدیکی کویته می‌رسند، دو مرد مسلح به موتر آنها تیراندازی می‌کنند و هر سه نفر را می کشند. طالبان مسئولیت این حمله را بر عهده می گیرد.